Who We Are
2024 is the third year of the Homegrown Festival, organised by The Upper Don Arts Community (UDAC). UDAC was formed in 2022 as a charitable organisation to reboot and regenerate the arts and culture scene across north-west Sheffield after the pandemic. It supports the creative community across the region through organising events to showcase the rich arts community which exists there, and it benefits the local community who can discover and engage with the arts.
UDAC has no paid staff. There is a management committee of 7 volunteers who oversee the day-to-day running of the organisation, together with a festival team of volunteers drawn from well-established voluntary organisations and businesses across the north of Sheffield who have the necessary skills and experience to manage the project.
UDAC coordinates the HomeGrown Festival supporting community groups and individuals to take part through providing resources and advice, and also organises the opening and closing festivaevents,
HomeGrown Festival has been very well received and we look forward to another successful year in 2024 where our local creative community can showcase their talents to new audiences across the region.